What is Traditional Chinese Medicine?
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What does Acupuncture treat?
Currently, Acupuncture is recognized by the World Health Organization to treat pain. It helps balances the nervous system, which helps regulate conditions like Anxiety and Depression. Acupuncture helps mitigate the symptoms of many medical conditions. Here is a list of commonly seen conditions: IBS/ digestive disorders, Bell’s Palsy, general pain conditions, substance addiction, mental health, sports’ injury, sexual health and gynecological health and fertility.
Does it hurt? Are the needles clean?
Acupuncture needles are very thin so they cause little to no discomfort. All needles are sterile and one time use. Most treatments include 5-20 needles. Facial Rejuvenation includes more and thinner needles due to treatment goals.
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"Dr. Korb has been a lifesaver, was struggling with pain, nausea and dehydration, within minutes I felt lighter and that same night the pain was mitigated. Dr. Korb identified my issues before I even could, and went to the real root."
— L.D. (Patient)
How does Acupuncture work?
Acupuncture balances the qi, or life force of the body. More measurably, it helps regulate glandular secretions, stimulates nerves, promotes proper organ function and affects the bodies fascial system which connects all parts of the body to each other.
Are Herbs Safe?
We only use herbs from trusted distributers who do independent testing to check purity levels. All licensed herbalist have taken pharmacology courses, Herbal internal medicine courses and completed internships. This helps insure there will be no drug/ herb interaction and the best formula will be selected. Plant medicine is powerful! Please avoid buying herbs and formulas online. Reputable sources require a license in Chinese Medicine.
Why is Facial Rejuvenation so much more expensive and why ten sessions?
Facial rejuvenation is more expensive because it requires a separate certification, takes more time and has more services included. Additional services included are infrared light, and intradermal needles, which are inserted directly into wrinkles with tweezers.